The Forensic Audit is an extensive investigation of your home when an air quality, comfort, or energy efficiency problem is known to exist. It is not a standardized service, but varies from case-to-case depending on your home and the presenting problems.
The steps in the Forensic Audit process usually include ...
An initial visit to understand your home and its "symptoms."
A written quote for the Forensic Audit.
A one-day or longer, in-depth investigation of your home to uncover the root causes of presenting problems.
A detailed written report informing you of ...
Presenting problems and their probable cause, based on empirical data.
Recommendations for solving each problem.
Work scope for remedial work.
Recommendations of contractors with the skill, equipment, and building science knowledge to do the work.
Then, a meeting with you to go over the report so you understand it fully and take effective action.
The Forensic Audit provides you ..
Diagnosis of the root causes of problems
Scientific and intuitive evaluation of conditions, based on both diagnostic tests with equipment and deep knowledge of how buildings function.
An explanation of the causes of the home's problems in language you can understand.
A suggested work scope - so you can get competitive bids on work that will actually solve the problem.
Testing of the work performed to verify it conforms to the work scope.
Continued interaction with you and your home until problems are solved.
"Over all great experience. Mr. Maxwell is the most knowledgeable person I've
encountered in his field. He properly diagnosed a problem several other "professionals"
had been unable to fix. The moldy smell is gone and my house actually stays cool in the
summer. On top of all this, my electric bill is considerably lower than it was before Mr.
Maxwell's services. I highly recommend him.
Andrew M.
"We do not have an odor! The kitchen project is complete and the dehumidifiers and
chimney work is in place. We are also being better about the doors.
All seems to be much improved in our house. Thanks for your assistance and follow up."
Merritt L.